- Catogory:
2016-4-26 12:06:26
中国进口澳大利亚牛肉3年增6倍 澳政府审查牛肉业
澳媒称,澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会(ACCC)4月5日说,它将考察牛肉业及其供应链中的竞争、效率、透明度及交易问题,并可能在11月底提出一份报告。 该委员会主席罗德·西姆斯说:“农业部门的竞争和消费者问
2016-5-22 12:47:33
2016-6-17 16:49:52
澳洲肉牛售价屡破纪录 北领地牧场收入飙涨
澳洲农产品预测部门澳农业资源经济局(ABARES)预测,由于活牛出口数量反弹,肉牛出栏率上升且售价上涨,今年北领地肉牛养殖场收入将是上十年平均水平的3倍。该部门的Peter Gooday表示,北领地农场收入预计持续上涨,而债务略有上升是因为农户加大了再投资力度。
2017-2-6 14:53:19
2017 Cattle Industry Projections
The Australian beef industry will more than likely continue the first half of 2017 in much the same fashion as last year – tight supplies, robust restocker demand and the subsequent likelihood of a strong young cattle market. As the year progresses though, beef production is expected to slowly start increasing again and, as this eventuates, some downward pressure is likely to be placed on the market.