- Catogory:
2019-3-4 15:53:33
China pork producers surge as swine disease cuts supply
China is battling the world's fastest spreading outbreak of African swine fever, an incurable pig disease that has been confirmed in 28 of its provinces and regions.
2017-8-3 18:19:11
EU Pig Reference Price Falls
EU - In the four weeks ending 23 July the EU pig reference price fell by €6.72 to €170.25/100kg the lowest price recorded for this series since mid-April, reports AHDB Pork.
2016-10-28 15:11:58
EU Pig Prices: Price Decline Slows
EU - There was further pressure on the European pig market recently as market prices in almost all EU member countries went down again. However, the latest price decrease in Germany was far more moderate than over the past weeks.
2016-6-28 17:07:11
2016-6-3 12:37:30
Genesus Ibero公司美洲业务发展部费尔南多·奥尔蒂斯(Fernando Ortiz)写道,墨西哥猪肉产业预计进一步扩大国际市场,重心明确放在亚洲。 墨西哥2016年猪肉产品预计达到140万吨(据美国农业部预测),它仍未达到自给自足的地步。国内猪肉消费在2016年预计增长3.3%,达到220万吨。
2016-6-3 12:25:53
猪价连续阴跌 后市走势如何?
一、目前猪价 目前猪价出现连续阴跌,今日全国生猪内三平均价格为20.91元/公斤,较昨日上涨0.01元/公斤,外三均价为21.24元/公斤,较昨日下跌0.03元/公斤。猪价目前已经3日连续阴跌,北方猪价跌价较快,南方由于暴雨因素影响,南方猪价较为坚挺。近期,湖南等地猪价出现不小幅度的上涨。